+91 8800515992

Development Strategy

Community Institutions with Management Capacity

Community Institutions with Management Capacity

Organizing the poor and invest in their leadership capacity at all levels; Self-help Groups (SHGs) are grassroots level institutions for members to engage in micro-saving, micro-lending and bringing socio-political issues to a forum. Federation is a platform for creating and shaping developmental discourse. It engages with external stakeholders and state governments for overall developmental programs- often but not limited to rights and entitlements for the rural poor.

Working Model

SRIJAN’s work on the ground starts with building community institutions like Self-help Groups, Women Producer Groups or Village Level Collection Centres. These institutions constitute the large platform like Women Federations or a Farmer Producer Organizations. The core strategy to work with these institutions is to build leadership in them and provide capacity building support for managing the institutions. There are structured training programs for the community leaders at various intervals and phases of the institutions- forming, norming and storming. These training programs are customised for the need and nature of the institution- fair-pricing mechanisms, for example is one the most important components of all capacity building program at village level collection centres, while financial management/loan disbursement/collective leadership are key components of Self-help group management. Creating leadership pool and providing them with various sorts of trainings over at least 5-6 years helps build the management capacity of the community to take forward the development action.


Self Help Groups




Farmer Producer Organisations