+91 8800515992

Our Work


Introduction to Research

Research has played a fundamental role in all our projects - whether qualitative or quantitative in nature. We have undertaken research covering several fields; livelihood, migration, gender and healthcare practices. We make sure our
research takes an intersectional lens; following a bottom-up approach; keeping in mind systemic oppressions in terms of class, gender, caste, and ethnicity. Our research, in this manner - helps develop a better understanding of the on-ground realities; creating a space for better outcomes, improved livelihood opportunities, and practices through more promising policy implementation.

Research Profile

Previous Project:'Understanding the Perspectives of Frontline Health Workers (ASHA, Anganwadi & ANMs) in Bundelkhand Region to Improve COVID-19 Containment Efforts.' A short-term study was carried out in collaboration with Azim Premji University (APU) - it covered the experiences and perspectives of CHWS fighting the COVID-19 pandemic in Bundelkhand.

Policy Briefs

Two policy briefs were carried out with the Laudes Foundation. Through these, the team gave policy recommendationsfollowing the findings from certain studies.
1. Engaging with Men & Boys in Advancing the Gender EqualityAgenda in India;The policy brief emphasised on the role of masculinities in improving gender equality. It recommended challenging the traditional roles assigned to the genders, and focusing on male involvement in gender-oriented programs - in order to resist toxic and hegemonic forms of masculinities.
2. India's Big Gender Challenge: COVID-19's Devastating Impact on Rural Labour Force Participation;The brief focused on the abysmally low rates of participation by women in rural settings. The team recommended an increase in women-focused job guarantee schemes, the need to focus on the political economy of care and increased representation of women in state, and parliament legislatures as possible steps to overcome this issue.

Ongoing Projects

'Impact of COVID-Induced Permanent Reverse Migration on Women's Labour Market Opportunities in Rural India'
The three-member research team (Stutlina Pal, Prarthana Lumba, Devanik Saha) is undertaking a study supported by Azim Premji University (APU). It is a one-and-a-half-year-long; longitudinal mixed-method study. The research focuses on the covid-19 pandemic, and how reverse male migration might have impacted rural female labour participation rates, socio-economic status and inter-household dynamics. The study is conducted in three districts of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.


Our areas of focus

Gender, Migration, Health, Livelihood, COVID 19.

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